Elder Abuse by Financial Scammers

Rexxfield Investigations pro bono practice is now accepting new cases for vulnerable persons, specifically for elder abuse perpetrated by scammers.

Direct Law Enforcement Liaison

Rexxfield works directly with FBI, US Secret Service, Dept. Homeland Security and DOJ and County prosecutors to bring swift justice and relief for victims. We also travel and embed with foreign cyber crime units.

Rexxfield’s founder Michael Roberts and two team members embedded with the Nigerian Economic & Financial Crimes Commission Headquarters in Abuja NG in October 2023. We referred 11 separate cyber crimes to the EFCC during this trip. Within three weeks, we had frozen over USD2 Million in stolen crypto and FIAT bank accounts globally. Two arrests and multiple manhunts are underway as a consequence of Rexxfield’s work.


Nov 2023: Belgrade, Serbia. The US Embassy funded the Blockchain Forensics Forum. Rexxfield founder Michael Roberts participated in cybercrime investigation panel discussions with Special Agents from US DHS-HSI and FBI, as well as investigators from private security vendors.


Case Acceptance Criteria:

Cases must be referred by competent third parties, such as:

  • Law enforcement or prosecutors
  • Mental health practitioners
  • Bank, Fintech or Crypto exchange security or AML representatives
  • Non-profit organization

Victim Screening Criteria:

  • The crime has been reported to authorities.
  • Hard losses must be over US $250,000.
  • Victim is financially insolvent.
  • No financial support is available from the victim’s family.
  • Victim is struggling with significant emotional distress.

Referral Instructions:

Only fill out this form if you are a knowledgeable third party who is involved in the case and is willing to have a short intake call with rexxfield before we contact the victim.