Our Rexxfield Cyber Investigators recently tackled a devastating revenge porn case. Our client was the victim of a manipulative past relationship, and her husband discovered explicit material on a pornography website. She sought our assistance to find out if there is more material distributed online, and to get the material removed from the internet altogether.
Our team initiated a comprehensive investigation to expose the extent of this digital violation. For revenge porn cases, we use Pimeyes premium alongside other advanced tools and software.
Sadly, our cyber investigators working this revenge porn case found at least nine other websites where the explicit content of our distressed client was published. Understanding the urgency and sensitivity of the case, our investigators quickly acted to delete this compromising sexual material from these porn platforms. In a matter of days, our concerted efforts, backed by Pimeyes and other OSINT tools, successfully removed compromising material from the identified websites.
Part of a broader toolkit, Pimeyes played a crucial role in this investigation. Pimeyes allows us to set up alerts, so we receive immediate notifications of new material on all major platforms. We took proactive steps to quickly minimize the impact on our client’s privacy and life before the newly published materials spread.
This revenge porn case underscores not only the prevalence of these distressing incidents but also the collective power of innovative tools, with Pimeyes playing a crucial role, in allowing cyber investigators to save and protect individuals from online exploitation.
Pimeyes is a valuable addition to our investigative toolkit in investigating revenge porn cases. The ability to set up alerts allows prompt client notification, which in turn allows our investigators to act in a timely manner to safeguard our clients’ online presence. In a time when online privacy is easily violated, especially with the rise of deepfakes, Pimeyes is a crucial ally in the fight against cyber exploitation.
This case is ongoing, and we are closing in on the offender. We hope to obtain a criminal conviction for revenge porn against him.
Are you a victim of revenge porn, or has your sexual but private material leaked on the internet? Contact us for help.