Google EU’s “Right To Be Forgotten” Search Result Removal Request Form
European Breakthrough:
The EU Court of Justice ruled that EU citizens can ask search engines to remove search results containing their name if the results are “inadequate, irrelevant, or excessive.”
European Commission “Right to be Forgotten” ruling(C-131/12)
- Search EU Take Down Form
- Search EU Take Down Form
- Search EU Take Down Form
If you believe that Google search results have harmed your reputation, you and your lawyer should explore the legal theories presented here.
HOW TO SUE GOOGLE for DEFAMATION and Internet Libel or Slander
NON-USA: In addition to properly serving the documents, you may email Google a courtesy copy to [email protected]
NOTE: Demand that Google removes search results from ALL Google country sites:
If you are a citizen of Germany for example, Google may only remove the defamatory search results from Without other times they may remove all EU domain extension variations of Google. However, you will find a very large number of European residents do not use EU-country Google domains but use the international ““. if Google does approve your removal request, you need to make sure that the offending search results do not display in If Google tries to argue that this is not a European website, you need to know that it is in fact an international website, is very accessible to your appearance, and should be part of the removal process.
A small history lesson about “.com” domains
.Com IS NOT a USA domain! It is international; The .com was originally designated for “commercial”. i.e. commercial purposes conducted by businesses without national or geographic restrictions
REF: See: RFC1591 (1994), RFC819 (1982), RFC822 (1982), and others. [The precursors to TLDs were: “.arpa”, “.csnet”, “.bitnet”, and “.uucp”]