Digital Forensics & Litigation Support
Rexxfield is not a law firm, nor does it have any attorneys in its employment. The services described on this page are available only to or through licensed attorneys or law firms. Pro se litigants requiring these services should retain an attorney as an intermediary, even if it is simply to take delivery of the services we provide and then forward to you. Our personnel discuss your case but we cannot give you legal advice.

Our Digital Forensics & Litigation Support Services
Rexxfield specializes in litigation support, investigations, digital forensics and electronic discovery consultation. We have a success track record of 80% to 90% with respect to positively identifying anonymous antagonists; numerous attorney references are available to verify the efficacy of our work and results. Success rates correlate directly with our early participation in cases.
Subpoenas & Electronic Discovery
Many judges are hesitant to issue production orders for Internet Service Providers(ISPs) for fear of treading on the first amendment. Rexxfield can prepare detailed subpoena addendums that clearly articulate a plain language description of the requested records and a justification that should satisfy the most cautious of judges; we have even successfully obtained ex parte orders against Google for record production that others have had to fight for over many months and often without success. Additionally, we will leave no stone unturned with respect to the precise technical language for the production requests so that the ISPs will not withhold crucial information due to deficient or ambiguous subpoena preparation.
Preserving Perishable Evidence
Many ISPs delete their IP address log files within six months of their creation. This crucial evidence is often lost whereas it should be preserved or obtained very early in the case. This is a difficult situation because those log file owners often cannot be identified until after the front facing Internet service providers respond to the first wave of subpoenas. In most cases we can circumvent these delays by positively identifying the antagonists out of court. This might save 60 to 120 days in delays caused by subpoena non-compliance by the front facing web sites and Internet Service Providers (ISP). Read more on crucial early steps….
Anonymous Libel – John or Jane Doe
In most Doe cases (unidentified defendants) we can positively identify the offenders using proprietary investigative techniques as well as carefully crafted subpoenas and orders. There is simply too much  “wiggle” room for Internet Service Providers (“ISPs”) with respect to deficient wording in most subpoenas and court orders for the production of important evidence. Rexxfield can, in most cases, prepare the documents promptly and economically, effectively getting it right the first time, thus mitigating the risk of dismissals due to poor evidence for an otherwise great case.
Digital Forensic Analysis
In addition to out-of-court remedies for online libel problems, Rexxfield can augment your litigation team’s efforts in bringing about equitable and injunctive relief for the plaintiff or a strong defense for the defendant. Our team includes Certified Digital Forensics Examiners, as well as Computer Forensics & Electronic Discovery experts. In fact, some of our team members literally wrote the books on the subjects including the curriculum and actual examinations used globally for government, military, NGO and corporate customers.
Pleading or Response Preparation
The precise preparation of pleadings and cause of action filings are essential for a Plaintiff’s action to succeed, particularly with the risks posed by anti-SLAPP laws inappropriately construed by judges. Defendants, in a like manner, require the same precision for their responses and quash motions. Rexxfield’s multifaceted team has all the skills necessary to prepare a comprehensive plain language explanation for inclusion in your client’s filings and yet technically specific, leaving no ambiguity for the witness ISP. We can deliver the necessary drafts economically and promptly.
Expert Witnesses & response
Rexxfield can provide expert witnesses for both plaintiffs and defendants globally.
We can also provide suitably qualified experts for consideration and appointment as neutral Special Masters to advise the court about technical issues, and to investigate certain claims in dispute.
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