Two Falsely Accused Women Proven to Be Innocent

In a recent triumph for justice, our team successfully secured the release of two women who were unjustly accused of sending threats via text messages.

Two unrelated clients were falsely accused of sending threatening text messages. As seen with more cases, these were no different: our investigation led to finding out that it was the accusers who had orchestrated this nightmare to set up our clients. What made these cases all the more heartbreaking was the profound risk of self-harm our clients faced in the aftermath of this trauma.

In both cases, our investigation brought to light a malicious plot where the accusers had fabricated threatening text messages, sent them to themselves, pretending to be our clients, in order to frame them. 

During our investigation, we also uncovered a blatant failure in the pursuit of justice for one of these women: the prosecutor had neglected to seek exculpatory evidence, which is critical in a case like this. On top of that, our client’s defense attorney did not even believe in the innocence of his own client. 

Our role as cybercrime investigators

Our Rexxfield investigator who handled these cases played a critical role in proving the innocence of our two clients. He prepared subpoenas to find the evidence that proved the accusers’ culpability in the threats against themselves.He also appeared in court as an expert witness to help her case. 

The outcome

The evidence obtained through our investigation and litigation assistance resulted in a courtroom victory: the lawyer was able to prove our client’s innocence and secure their release from jail. 

As a result of these cases, our founder is currently writing a white paper to persuade prosecutors and judges to actively search for exculpatory evidence that could prove someone’s innocence, rather than presuming guilt by only relying on the accusations and doctored screenshots made by the accusers.

Are you being falsely accused? Contact our investigators to see if and how we can help. 

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