Filing a suit for anonymous internet defamation can be a PR nightmare.

To Remove Any Anonymous Internet Defamation Search Results From Page 1 of Google:

Visit PAGE1.ME for more information on how to remove anonymous internet defamation.

Referenced Cases

  1. Liskula Cohen vs. Google (NY)
  2. Tom Corbett vs. Twitter (PA)

Libel is a written or enduring form of defamation with roots as far back as ancient Roman jurisprudence under the doctrine of slander. Generally speaking, the objective of a plaintiff suing for defamation is to redeem their good name and reputation while having the offending publications retracted, removed or diluted. Up until the last century, this was a relatively straightforward process with the legal procedures synchronizing seamlessly with the strategic reputation redemption objectives.
The advent of the Internet coupled with unrestrained and anonymous wild-wild-web authors has necessitated a change in traditional legal tactics. Attorneys who approach their first Internet defamation case using 20th century legal tactics